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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Coconut Oil, Ideal for Hair Problems

Just like all those commercials keep telling us, our hair is subject to more aggressions than we could, or want to keep count of – and that happens on a daily basis. Starting from the cold autumn wind, the powerful rays of the sun and down to the very products we use on it in order to restore it to decent “health” (mousse, hairspray and countless other similar lotions, creams and masks), it all leaves its mark on our hair.

Luckily, there is a way out of this predicament and, believe it or not, it has been available for centuries since it’s an all-natural and accessible remedy. Coconut oil has been used extensively in countries like India ever since we could remember but it is just now that its entire range of extraordinary effects has become known all over the world.

The only thing you have to do in order to get that shiny and healthy looking mane you’ve always dreamed of but in search of which you actually managed to ruin what little was still left of it, is to go out to some naturist shop and buy yourself a container of coconut oil. Once you get home, put some water to boil, as the oil has a very hard consistency and you can’t apply it on your hair as such, and then drop the container in it once it reaches boiling point. When you remove it (with proper care not to burn yourself, of course), you will notice that the oil can now be easily applied on your hair.

This point reached, you have now two options: either you go for the all-night treatment or for a “steam-towel-wrap” that shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes, half an hour tops, of your precious time. In both cases, the oil is applied evenly on the hair (use a comb if it helps, but make sure that you massage the roots in particular), before bedtime (for the former variant), or right after a bath (for the latter). Once the time expires (again, depending on which option you go for), rinse with warm water and shampoo and your hair should finally look as healthy as you always wanted it to be.

Coconut oil is a natural remedy that not only makes your mane shinier and stronger, but it also helps fight against dandruff, excessive hair loss (which, as natural as it might be, is also something all of us are trying to reduce) and weakened hairs. In other words, try it if you really want to give your hair the deluxe treatment for a stunning aspect.




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