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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Prague (ANTARA News/Xinhua) - U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice will sign a treaty on the stationing of the planned U.S. radar base on Czech soil in Prague in early May, Victoria Silverman, spokeswoman for the U.S. Embassy here said on Monday.

According to the information from the Czech news agency CTK, Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg is to sign the treaty on behalf of the Czech Republic.

The exact date of the signing has not yet been set, Silverman said. The daily Hospodarske Noviny (HN) wrote previously that it may be on May 5 when a conference on missile defense is to be held in Prague.

Rice also might attend annual Victory celebrations in Plzen, west of the Czech Republic, which was liberated by U.S. troops in 1945. The celebration will take place from May 2 to May 6, CTK said.

Rice and Schwarzenberg announced at the NATO summit in Bucharest, capital of Romania last week that the Czech-U.S. negotiations on the treaty have been completed.

The United States plans to build a radar base at the Brdy military district, some 90 km southwest of Prague, along with an interceptor missile base in Poland, but Warsaw has yet to agree to the move.

Russia is strongly opposed to the deployment of the system, saying the plan poses threat to its strategic interests. Some 70 percent of Czech citizens oppose the project, too.




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